What should I work on next?

02 January 2015

Resolutions for 2015

Yes, it is that time again, when we try to resolve ourselves to work ofr a better new year. The 2015 edition, for myself, includes the following:

  1. Lose weight. I badly need to lose about 40 pounds.
  2. Get a 'full time' job. While my hours are full time, I'm technically an adjunct professor, and therefore a part time employee.
  3. Get my son's '74 Dart on the road and out of my garage.
  4. Improve relations with my parents. This one will be hard.
  5. Three issues of The Aethergraph.
  6. Complete two 6mm VSF forces. British and either Germans or Canal Martians.
  7. Play more games.
  8. Spend less than $250 on new minis and terrain this year. I have a massive backlog of stuff that needs to be tackled before I spend more money on ooh shiny. I predict this will be broken by mid-year.
  9. Paint 100 15mm minis.
  10. Paint 100 25mm minis.
  11. At least one post per week here and on The Scattergun Gamer.
  12. Participate in the Lead Adventure Forum's painting contest.

That's a lot of gaming goals, I know. But, besides work and family, it's what I do.


Elderac said...

Let us know what the theme for the next Aethergraph will be.

Michael Awdry said...

If you achieve half of that you'll have a good year. I am afraid I'll be going you with the first one too.

Paul O'G said...

Quite a diverse range of ambitious objectives there - good luck! Clearly lots to forward to here then! I'll be endeavouring to help out with those three issues of The Aethergraph!

Your son has a Goggomobil? Cool!

DLI said...

I look forward to seeing pic of those projects Sir :)

J Womack, Esq. said...

Elderac: I am thinking the next issue may not have a specific theme. I'm considering a theme for the Fall Issue, a Gothic Horror theme to fit in with Halloween. Other than that, I'm open to suggestions...