Last Saturday, I ran a short game of The Sword and the Flame, in 15mm. A simple scenario, and the British, after a couple of hours and two key mistakes, ended up washing the spears of the Zulus. Except for the ten infantrymen that ran away.
Anyway, having a bit of extra time, we went ahead and tried out the rules "Colonial Adventures". with some 1/72nd Italeri plastics another fellow had brought. Same scenario - get to the other end of the board. The net result was that forty of Her Majesty's worst (very green) were slaughtered in the first turn, killing only four Zulus in return. Game over in fifteen minutes. Very unsatisfying.
I think, however, that the primary problem was in lack of knowledge of the rules. I had never played them, the other player had never played them, and the guy running it seemed as if he had never played them, though he claimed to have. He certainly didn't know how unbalanced he had set the forces.
I'm willing to give the ruleset a second chance. But I was wondering how any of you feel about them?